Thursday, June 5, 2008

Samatha Get's Her Dante In The New
Sex And The City Movie

Whether you have any interest at all in the four women from Manhattan you definitely don't want to miss the man from Malibu. Actor Gilles Marini plays the sexually active Dante in New Line's new hot summer chick flick Sex And The City Movie. Marini of Greek and Italian ancestry plays opposite Kim Cattrall a.k.a Samatha Jones in the new blockbuster hit that opened last week.

There are several scenes where he is featured but only one of them provides us with a glimpse of his gorgeous penis and that glance is ample I'm telling you. His body is incredible and apparently the actor has no problem with the response his role in the film has received.

Unfortunately Cattrall's character doesn't get the opportunity to engage with Gilles as audiences would have liked. But I'll tell you what I got to see was enough to hope that we'll get to see more in the future.

Perhaps studio heads are catching on that the world or at least the movie going public is not as squeamish about seeing a naked guy on the silver screen as they all fear.

Keep your fingers cross that were getting closer to longer camera shots -or- at least turn the guy completely around so we can see whole lot more, longer.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

New A&F Quartely Is Available: Too Bad You Can't Get It

The increasingly popular Abercrombie & Fitch catalog was released earlier this month but the company has announced that it has no plans to make it available in the United States.

The catalog made famous for its nude and semi-nude male photography has developed a cult following since it hit the stores of the popular lifestyle clothier five years ago.

Known for it's risque photography, as you might expect and remaining true to form the new book continues to feature images of chiseled young men and women in various suggestive poses taken by master photographer Bruce Weber.

The catalog has remained the center of controversy and it's 2008 edition promised to deliver no less. The bad news is that the company has decided that Americans can’t handle it. Back in February, spurred by citizen complaints the police seized pictures considered obscene by local standards—they featured partial views of male buttocks from a Virginia Beach A&F store.

The store’s manager was initially charged with obscenity, though the charges were later dropped. As a result, the implication of the Europe only release is that Americans aren’t quite sophisticated enough to view a nipple or butt crack without creating an embarrassing controversy.

The new cover depicts a painting of young men rowing in the nude by painter Mark Beard and since you won’t find the new catalog here in America, your options for snagging a copy are limited.

You can follow the advice offered by Weber on his website, which boasts “the beauty of youth in male nude photography”: “Call your college friends from that semester abroad or email those Kensington expats you know to get a copy.”

Recent reports have revealed that copies have been spotted on e-bay, with bids averaging around $400 dollars.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Prince Of Porn Has Died

(original article published in the Australian Magazine SX News)  - SX News 

Barry Lowe pays homage to a trailblazing, visionary auteur – Jean-Daniel Cadinot, who has died, aged 64.

One of my all-time favourite gay porn movies is Chaleurs (roughly translated as ‘hot ones’), and in pre-DVD days I played it so often on video that its colour and quality deteriorated badly. When it was released on DVD I discovered it had lost none of its fascination.

The movie contains French and Dutch twinks, Arab studs, Moroccan landscapes, an aroused donkey, and rape fantasies. It is one of French director Jean-Daniel Cadinot’s early masterworks. So it was with some sadness to learn Cadinot died of a heart attack on April 23 at the age of 64.

One of the greats of the gay porn industry – yes, as much art goes into pornography as an episode of Dexter – was born February 10, 1944 in German-occupied Paris to parents who were men’s tailors.

He always maintained he knew he was gay by the age of 12 and wanted to become a painter but his parents objected. He ran away from home at 17 and, in the early 1960s, studied photography before tentatively tackling male nude portraits of the famous, such as writer Yves Navarre and singer Patrick Juvet.

His early gay photography appeared in Gai Pied and before the progression to movies he had sold around 170,000 copies of his 17 books of male photographic studies. In 1978 he set up his own company French Art.

He revealed: “The still photo became too limiting. I quickly reached its boundaries and I had a desire for action and movement. I wanted to go further, to tell our collective stories as gay men. Video enabled me to do just that”.

His first porn feature, Tendres Adolescents, was released in 1980. Outside Europe the titles were usually anglicised and credited to Tony Dark. His films were propelled by more realistic and human-scale storylines than was usual in gay porn of the period, and which he said were autobiographical, albeit not in a truly literal sense.

His preoccupations were apparent from his early films: young men in all-male environments, boys’ homes, religious schools and Boy Scouts, as well as a love of outdoor scenes, men from North Africa, fetishistic white underpants and non-consensual sex, particularly in Chaleurs in which a French twink is raped by two Arab men while asleep, and Les Minets Sauvages, which included a pack rape in a boy’s home. His mother also appeared in a small number of his movies in non-sexual roles.

When questioned about his use of young, usually non-professional, actors who did not fit the US gym-toned hairless American porn ideal, he said: “To me they represent the freshness and innocence of youth. They are provocative: a 20-year-old is more subversive than a 30-year-old; there is not yet the weight of socialisation and education on his shoulders; he is not yet moulded into society. I like the freshness but also the intelligence of these guys.

I do not choose Apollo-type men with big penises. I want men that could be your average next door neighbours – fresh, natural, without any complexes regarding their sexuality or their sexual tastes.”

The life-affirming exuberance of his films was acknowledged in the 1990s with numerous adult video awards acknowledging he lived by the motto: “An erect phallus is a symbol of life, a cross a symbol of death.”

His death was announced on his website: Dear friends, critics and others – If you’re reading these words I will have put down my camera, switched off the lights, drawn the curtains and taken my final bow.

May all the efforts and work of a whole life, the quest for the moment of pure truth in the sublime communion of two beings under the spell of undefinable desire for the other, inspire those who inherit my heart.

For more information contact the writer Barry Lowe via his email at:

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Aren't Men Beautiful?

I found this video today on YouTube and it was so hot that I had to share with you. Aren't Men Beautiful?

Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer Is Now Available! What will they reveal? Visit the website to learn more and place an order.

Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer, profiles over 20 talented photographers and artists!

Confessions comes available in e-book format and includes 2 bonus audio interviews that you can download and play on your iPod.

In addition you'll receive an 'uncensored' video trailer that was too hot for YouTube!

Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer - What Will They Reveal?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Photographer Oscar Morales Talks About His Passion

True Physical Beauty In Diversity

Talented Photographer Oscar Morales lives and works in Mexico City and runs a website featuring the beautiful men from that culturally rich country.

Oscars work focuses on capturing the beauty of natural men and enjoys working with 'regular' guys.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Oscar right after he released his successful calendar The Men of Mexico. Our discussion is available for free download and is published in PDF format.

You can download your copy at the following link: Oscar Morales Interview

If you haven't already done so don't forget to download a copy of our FREE preview e-book,Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer.
(Don't forget to confirm your registration)

I've received a great deal of positive feedback and I'm getting very excited and a little nervous as the release date draws closer.

My dream for this project stems from my desire to share with you my loyal readers some insight into our world, in a way that is rarely explored from the photographers prospective. Thanks again for your support.

So stay tuned to my blog as I'll be sharing some really exciting news over the next several days.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

“American Films Last Taboo Is Finally Broken - Male Full Frontal Nudity”

In the new film, Forgetting Sarah Marshall apparently actress Kristen Bell forgets to tell her co-star actor Jason Segel to put his pants back on, or at least a pair of boxers.

In Hollywood there has always been a long-standing taboo around male full frontal nudity according to Male Erotic Photography Expert, Rodney Washington, and author of the new book Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer.

With the economy in a slump and sagging ticket sales at the box office filmmakers are beginning to pull out all the stops to fill seats and if that includes getting actors to drop their pants so be it.

Judd Apatow writer and producer of the film apparently feels the climate among movie goers has progressed far enough that you can display a guy’s “Johnson” on film and the audience or at least a portion of it will get a laugh out of it.

Male full frontal appears to be the last taboo to be conquered in mainstream American film today and if producer Apatow has his way that day will arrive this week.

“The jury is still out on rather movie goers are ready for such gratuitous displays of male genitalia but I’m holding out hope says Washington”. Washington goes on to say - “Segels appearance in the raunchy comedy will certainly create a dialogue on a topic that I feel was inevitable and in my opinion a long over due.”

In Washington’s new book: Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer he profiles 20+ male erotic and fine art photographers that are dedicated to photographing the male form honestly.

A downloadable free preview is available at the authors website,

Rodney is available for interviews and will provide an entertaining and insightful interview about a subject that’s rarely discussed. PDF version of this press release is available for immediate download.

# # #

Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer - 
What Will They Reveal? Find Out Next Week.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer:
New Video Trailer #2

Register for FREE Updates and Download a FREE Preview e-book, discover all of the talented photographers who will be featured in the new book coming 04 . 22 . 08.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Photography Captures Thought:
Interview with Photographer JD Dragan

This video interview is with prolific photographer JD Dragan. JD is one of the multi-talented photographers profiled in the forthcoming book
Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer

JD is an award winning fine art photographer who resides in Philadelphia and relishes in documenting the African American male experience through his erotic imagery.

Is this video you'll see the photographer at work and hear from one of his models as he speaks candidly about the process of working as a model and the erotic male nude.

Don't miss out on updates and other forthcoming videos and articles based on the new e-book: Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer. Enter your email address in the sign up box to the right of this article to stay updated.

Subscribers will receive a FREE downloadable preview of the e-book and video preview.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer:
New Blog! - New Book Cover

Hot Book Cover! Right?

The exciting cover shot was made by my good friend, mentor and featured photographer Andre DeLoach of Empyrean Photography. Andre will be profiled in my soon to be released book Confessions Of A Male Erotic Photographer, coming 04 . 22 . 08.

Stay tuned to this blog as I will be adding new interviews and exciting video previews of this exciting new book.

I'm really looking forward to sharing with you in this way. And don't forget to sign up to receive new updates.